In line with the Career Progression and Specialization Program being spearheaded by the Professional Regulation Commission (PRC), the PRC ECE CPSP-CATS Committee headed by BECE Member | Committee Chair Hon. Herminio J. Orbe and Members Engr. Ornan S. Vicente and IECEP National President Engr. Lyle Anthony Jowill G. Villas together with BECE Member Engr. Enrico Claro Delmoro conducted its second meeting this year with the IECEP Accredited Specialty Societies for the final preparation of the documents for submission for the PRC Society and Specialty Accreditation.

IECEP Societies Biomedical Electronics Society, Telecommunications Society, and the Building Electronics and Auxiliary Systems Society were present. Also present was the IECEP National Specialization Chair Engr. Eugene H. Embalzado Jr. and Vice Chair Engr. June Lloyd Emerson Gopela.

Best of luck IECEP Biomedical Electronics Society as they would be the first ones to officially submit the accreditation documents! Cheers ka-IECEP!