Aimed at amending provisions of the National Building Code to deliver basic electronics, telecommunications, and ICT services, the House Committee on Information and Communications Technology has conducted a hearing for consideration and consolidation of House Bills No. 900 and 8534 regarding amending Presidential Decree No. 1096, or the National Building Code, introduced by Reps. Christian Tell A. Yap and Joey Sarte Salceda, respectively at the House of Representatives, Quezon City.

The House Committee on ICT is chaired by Hon. Tobias "Toby" M. Tiangco.

IECEP, the accredited and integrated professional organization of electronics professionals by the PRC was invited and represented at the hearing by National President Engr. Lyle Anthony Jowill G. Villas, together with IECEP Secretary General Engr. Kris Andrew B. Trinidad, National Treasurer Engr. Eugene H. Embalzado Jr. and Senior Corporate Relations and External Committee Member Engr. Sherwin C. Ricaflanca. Other government agencies such as the DPWH, DICT, NTC, and PRC were also present. House Bills No. 900 and 8534 are bills that provide the electronics, telecommunications, and ict readiness of buildings and structures amending sections of PD1096 or the National Building Code.