IECEP, through its Memberships, Organizational Development and Chapters Committee (MODCC) chaired by the National Vice President for Internal Affairs, Dr. Ira V. Estropia, reports 90%+ full completion and Deployment for New Membership Kits.

New Membership Kits are delivered door-to-door to our new members as we welcome them into the organization.

On his marching order ever since the National President Engr. Lyle Anthony Jowill G. Villas started the initiatives last year as the VP - Internal together with the help of the Finance Committee then chaired by Incumbent Vice President External Affairs - Engr. Benjz Gerard M. Sevilla, around 1360 new membership kits have been processed and/or delivered to the members ever since the institution of the program last year.

IECEP National processes the New Memberships while the IECEP Local and Foreign Chapters lead the Renewal efforts for the organization.

For membership followups and clarifications :
✅️New Memberships - reach out to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
✅️Renewal of Memberships - reach out to your Local and Foreign Chapters through their respective contact details or social media pages.
✅️ For IECEP NCR Northeast and IECEP Manila Chapter Members - both of these chapters have been granted the Authority to Print IDs. Members renewing on these chapters may reach out directly to them and expect their permanent IDs printed on the chapter.

For members with no pictures, or incomplete information at the MyIECEP Portal, please contact your local chapters so that your permanent membership IDs can be printed. Incomplete entries at the Portal were skipped for printing.

We are very close to a true Zero Backlog status for all our permanent IDs as we stay true to the Next Level promise of the organization to solve this decade-long problem this year.

Kudos MODCC! Welcome to IECEP our dear new members! Mabuhay IECEP!