IECEP visited the House of Representatives, Representative Hon. Paul R. Daza, a staunch advocate of the improvement of state regulatory exams and alternative licensing routes, as part of its HOR itinerary.

The Honorable congressman from the First District of Northern Samar warmly welcomed IECEP and discussed the state of the electronics engineering board examinations, the average passing rates across all professions and how they could be improved, alternative licensure paths through apprenticeship programs, the various specializations of Electronics Engineering and the PRC Career progression and specialization program. Both parties agreed to work on legislation that will strengthen the Electronics Engineering profession as the profession needed for today's digitally modern world. The IECEP delegation includes National President Engr. Lyle Anthony Jowill G. Villas, together with IECEP Secretary General Engr. Kris Andrew B. Trinidad, National Treasurer Engr. Eugene H. Embalzado Jr. and Senior Corporate Relations and External Committee Member Engr. Sherwin C. Ricaflanca.

Mabuhay IECEP!